IPM Rodent Control 2023 for companies and individuals.

As of 2023, the laws and regulations governing rodenticide for rodents have been amended. Rodenticide is a collective name for the pesticides on the market for the control of mice and rats. A so-called integrated approach called Integrated Pest Management applies from this date. In Integrated Pest Management (IPM), all available preventive and non-chemical means are used first. Chemical pesticides may be used as a final step. The integrated approach may only be carried out by an approved company, just like Protect Pest Control. We have been tested and certified by an independent inspection body to apply Integrated Pest Management in a proper and safe method.


Integrated Pest Management simply consists of 4 steps.

1. What type of rodent and where are the rodents in and around your business or home. (monitoring)
2. Habitat management make it impossible for rodents to nest and develop in and around your business or home
3. Use non-chemical control techniques initially.
4. If the above does not have the proper effect then chemical control may be performed.

Only exception is if public health is at risk chemical pesticides may be switched to earlier, mind you by a certified company/person such as Protect Pest Control and its employees.

Not much will change for you as a company or individual, Protect Pest Control already works through these laws and regulations. The goal is to work with as few chemical pesticides as possible with as many preventive measures and advice to our customers as possible.

Cooperation with our clients is also emphatically put forward at IPM 2023. Protect Pest Control therefore believes in this approach!

Digital logbook for business customers

As a corporate client, we maintain a digital logbook for your companies, this logbook contains all necessary documents such as certificates, safety sheets, spc’s, floor plans, recommendations, pest risk inventory (PRI) and work orders.

Reporting for private customer

As a private customer, you will receive from us a customer file with all necessary documentation such as an inspection report (pest risk inventory), floor plan placed pest control equipment, pesticide safety sheets and prevention advice

Why should I keep rodents out?

Rodents pose a health risk to humans. This is because mice and rats carry bacteria, viruses and parasites. Through their feces, urine and saliva, mice spread diseases and bacteria such as food poisoning and salmonella.

In addition, rodents can cause economic damage. For example, if they chew on food and packaging, which you cannot then use or sell. Or if they gnaw on electrical wires: this can cause a fire. It can also be bad for the image of your business. For example, because photos appear on social media like Instagram and Facebook.

So it is very important that there are no mice or rats around in places where you prepare, handle or store food and drink. There is much you yourself can do to prevent this.

How can I keep mice out?

These are the most important measures you can take:

Make sure the mice can’t get in (anymore)