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Pest control Biddinghuizen

Trouble with vermin in Biddinghuizen and the surrounding area?

Protect Pest Control: your local pest control in Biddinghuizen

Nuisance from mice, rats or other types of pests can be very annoying in your home or business premises. Protect Pest Control knows how to deal with this, we have a suitable solution for all situations with pests. We are based in Dronten so if you want a local pest control company then you have come to the right place.

Vermin in the beautiful village of Biddinghuizen

Biddinghuizen one of the three villages in the municipality of Dronten, Biddinghuizen is the second largest of the three in terms of size. Biddinghuizen is a vast area with a lot of arable farming, event grounds, campsites and of course Walibi, in addition residential areas around the center. Many new housing estates are also being built around Biddinghuizen. Mice, rats, wasps, flies and moles are common. We are happy to come by for an on-site inspection or control.

Quickly get in touch with Protect Pest Control

Protect Pest Control vindt het belangrijk dat de bestrijding op een veilige en verantwoorde manier plaatsvindt. Soms weet u misschien niet om welk soort ongedierte het gaat, maar ook dan kunt u altijd contact met ons opnemen. Wij komen graag bij u langs voor een inspectie, door de situatie ter plekke te beoordelen kunnen wij als gevolg van onze jarenlange ervaring op dit gebied de beste bestrijdingsmethode kiezen. Wij hanteren een opvolging binnen 24 uur van uw melding voor ongedierte.

This is how we work

Get in touch

We will discuss our working method, prices and make an appointment with you

We get to work

We come to your location for an inspection and discuss the plan of action with you.

Tailor-made extermination

We start the control as discussed with you in the action plan. We also provide advice after control.

You are vermin free again!

You can once again enjoy a vermin-free environment, with we guarantee.

Most common pest control in Biddinghuizen

Nothing is more annoying than pests in your environment. On the right you will find more information about the most common pests in and around the house or your company.

If you want more information, you can always contact us.

Fight mice

Mice are the most common pests. They are common in and around our living environment and can also cause a lot of damage.

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Exterminate Wasps

There are many wasp species and can cause annoying situations because they build nests in our environment.

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Fight bed bugs

Bed bugs are an increasingly common problem. That is because there is a lot of traveling and they are brought in our suitcases.

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Fight rats

Rats are an increasing problem in cities, agriculture and homes. They are disease spreaders and can cause a lot of damage.

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Fight ants

Ants can be common, not only in the garden, but also in houses. It is a small insect but can be a big problem in large numbers.maar kan in grote getale, een groot probleem zijn.

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Combat moles

These small animals can be a major nuisance in lawns, gardens and sports fields. Molehills and subsidence can be the result.

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