boekenkast van een bibliotheek in zwarten rekken

Remove paperfish

Fast and effective paperfish control

Paperfish a real bookworm

Paperfish (Ctenolepisma longicaaudatum Escherich) are also called “bookfish. They are wingless, light-shy and resemble the silverfish. They like a dry and warm habitat and can live up to 8 years under proper living conditions. The female can lay as many as 100 eggs, so this can quickly become a real pest. We can help you get rid of this pest.

boeken met verschillende titels en kleuren op elkaar gestapeld

The paperfish problem

Papiervisjes, zilvervisjes en ovenvisjes behoren allemaal tot de familie franjestaarten, maar het papiervisje zorgt veelal voor de meeste schade. Ze houden van droge en warme leefomstandigheden en voeden zichzelf met cellulose, koolhydraten, cellulose, zetmeel en suikers. Papier bevat veel cellulose en dit is de reden waarom veel bedrijven zoals bibliotheken, boekenwinkels, archieven en musea overlast kunnen ervaren door papiervisjes.

papiervisje met 3 staarten op een witte achtergrond

Types of franjestaarten:

The paperfish

The paperfish has scales with a grayish sheen all over its body and are distinctly speckled on the dorsal side. They grow about 1.5 cm long and have 2 long antennae on their head and 3 long tail threads on the abdomen. Despite having legs, they crawl forward with snake-like movements. A paperfish can go up to 300 days without food.

Eggs of a paperfish are oval and about 0.8 millimeters long and are deposited in heaps.

At 24˚C and 60% relative humidity, development takes about 14 months.

overnvisje met schaduw op een witte achtergrond

The oven fish

The ovenfish has scales all over its body, is hairy and is dark gray in color and are clearly speckled. They grow about 1.2 cm long and have 2 antennae on their head and 3 long tail threads on their abdomen. The eggs can hatch at 22∞C and humidity of 33%

They develop optimally at 37˚C and 80% humidity a nymph moults 7 to 8 times.

Development takes about 11 months.

Blauw papier dat deels is opgegeten door papiervisjes op laminaat

Recognize the presence of paperfish

As mentioned, paperfish like to live in old books, newspapers or cabinets where people keep photo albums for example you can find paperfish. If you have a business with a lot of paper this is an ideal place for a large paperfish infestation and you can always contact Protect Pest Control so that we can offer you a customized solution.

How do paperfish get into spaces?

The paperfish can come along between a book and get into your home. It is also possible for the paperfish to crawl from one home/business to another through small cracks, seams and ductwork. Paperfish love dry environments, unlike the silverfish which prefers to stay in damp places and the ovenfish which likes to seek out the heat. Paperfish move as little as possible during the day, and should you catch them in a hiding place, they will quickly scurry away into a crack or under a door. You can also often find paperfish in the attic, where people often store things (think old photos and books).
But also behind wallpaper that doesn’t connect properly or behind a warm central heating boiler or between baseboards and under carpeting. These are non-trafficked areas of the floors where insects can generally go about their business quietly.

Do it yourself or outsource?

Protect Pest Control can very reliably control paperfish infestation and help you with repellent and prevention for the future. Leaving a large paperfish infestation untreated in a place where you have a lot of paper is highly inadvisable.

Fight paperfish with different techniques

There are 2 techniques to control paperfish, this can be done with a gel and with a spraying technique. Protect Pest Control masters both techniques and knows in which situation it is best to apply which technique.

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Protect Pest Control is a professional pest control company and uses safe and successful ways to control one. Contact us now to schedule an on-site appointment or for advice and more information

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