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Pest control Zwolle

Do you suffer from pests in Zwolle and the surrounding area?

Protect Pest Control: your pest exterminator in Zwolle

Zwolle is the capital of the province of Overijssel in the Netherlands. It is located on the river IJssel and has about 125,000 inhabitants.

Zwolle is an old city with a rich history. It was an important trading center in the Middle Ages and traces of this rich history can still be seen, such as the beautiful facades of the old canal houses and the monumental city centre.

The center of Zwolle is an attractive place to shop and enjoy the local restaurants. There are many restaurants, cafes and shops, and it is a popular destination for tourists and visitors.

Protect Pest Control helps both individuals and companies get rid of pests.

Pests in Zwolle

Pests, such as rats, mice and other pests, can cause problems and be disruptive in the home and at work. In addition, pests can be dangerous to public health. That is why it is important to call in professional help from Protect Pest Control to combat all types of pests in Zwolle. Whether it concerns wasp control or mouse control, we know what to do with it.

Protect Pest Control specializes in pest control. We can help you detect vermin and make a plan of action to combat vermin. Our professionals often use environmentally friendly methods and products to ensure that pest control is done in a safe, responsible and sustainable manner.

Quickly get in touch with Protect Pest Control

Protect Pest Control believes it is important that control takes place in a safe and responsible manner. Sometimes you may not know what kind of vermin it is, but even then you can always contact us. We are happy to visit you for an inspection, by assessing the situation on site, we can choose the best control method due to our years of experience in this field. We follow up within 24 hours of your report for vermin.

This is how we work

Get in touch

We will discuss our working method, prices and make an appointment with you

We get to work

We come to your location for an inspection and discuss the plan of action with you.

Tailor-made extermination

We start the control as discussed with you in the action plan. We also provide advice after control.

You are vermin free again!

You can once again enjoy a vermin-free environment, with we guarantee.

Common pests in Zwolle

The pest species that are common are in particular mice, rats, wasps, ants, bed bugs, silverfish, paperfish, moles. If your pest species is not listed, please contact us.

Fight mice

Mice are the most common pests. They are common in and around our living environment and can also cause a lot of damage.

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Exterminate Wasps

There are many wasp species and can cause annoying situations because they build nests in our environment.

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Fight bed bugs

Bed bugs are an increasingly common problem. That is because there is a lot of traveling and they are brought in our suitcases.

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Fight rats

Rats are an increasing problem in cities, agriculture and homes. They are disease spreaders and can cause a lot of damage.

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Fight ants

Ants can be common, not only in the garden, but also in houses. It is a small insect but can be a big problem in large numbers.maar kan in grote getale, een groot probleem zijn.

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Combat moles

These small animals can be a major nuisance in lawns, gardens and sports fields. Molehills and subsidence can be the result.

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